
OHS Policy


Enerflow is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors, visitors and public.
Our safety culture is driven by Top Management through the business resulting in a mature, focused and
results driven attitude.

Enerflow considers that safety is a function of doing business, which allows employees to perform their tasks to the best of their ability within a structured, planned, organized and controlled manner without undue risk to their health and safety.

Enerflow have developed a Safety Management System that is fully integrated within all business activities.
Top Management, Managers, Supervisors, Employees, Contractors and Visitors have a responsibility to work safely,
take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of their co-workers.



To fulfil this commitment, Enerflow will:

  • Ensure work safety conditions are maintained
  • Establishing programs and procedures for managing workplace risks
  • Comply with all relevant State Safety and Workers Compensation legislation requirements
  • Involving employees in the development and implementation of the programs and procedures, through the Safety Consultation system
  • Provide employees with the skill, capability and resources to ensure ownership for their health and safety
  • Ensure that information on hazards in the workplace and training in how to work safely is passed onto to all personnel
  • Committing adequate and appropriate resources to enable us to achieve these goals
  • Continuously monitoring and improving our systems towards the achievement of zero incidents and harm to employees, contractors, visitors and the public
  • Implement and maintain emergency response planning
  • Help our employees and interested parties understand their requirements and how their actions affect Enerflow’s
    health and safety system

Top Management accepts responsibility for the safety of Enerflow employees and interested parties.
It is the responsibility of the Management Team to ensure the development, implementation, review
and improvement of the Safety Management System.